For those wild fey souls who are wearied by the spiritual tyranny and tedious minutiae of the Holy Grail, the great du Lac with his heart of diamond and heart of wax can show that there is always Another Way. His path is nothing to do with blood-dripping spears, floating bowls, high-born celebrity virgins of perfect beauty who selfishly bugger off into their heaven and don’t care what happens to the rest of us. It is everything to do with warmth, courage, gallantry, fumbling attempts at wisdom and all those senseless, stupid, impulsive acts of love between the low-born common folk that are the true Mysteries of the Wasteland.
A warm and compelling novel from the author of On Winsley Hill and The Fat Git.
Alan Richardson has been writing books on magic for longer than many of his readers have been alive. He has done biographies of such occult luminaries as Dion Fortune, Aleister Crowley, Christine Hartley and William G. Gray. He is also an expert on Earth Mysteries, Mythology, Paganism, Celtic lore, Ancient Egypt and Newcastle United Football Club. He does not belong to any occult group or society, does not take pupils, and (until his retirement) insisted on holding down a full-time job in the real world like any other mortal. That, after all, is part and parcel of the real magical path. He is married with four daughters, and lives the life of a Happy Hermit in the south-west of England.
- ISBN: 978-1-908011-95-4
- 136 pages
- perfect-bound paperback: 229mm x 152mm
- cover photo by Rebsie Fairholm
- black and white text
- published 31st December 2014