A Traditional Witch’s Gramarye.
Illustrated by Gemma Gary.
In this concise and important treatise Michael Howard delineates between various modern neo-pagan Wiccan traditions, cunning folk traditions, heathen folk or the ‘pagani,’ and an assortment of ritual magicians and pathworkers in order to present a ‘gramarye’ distinctly for those who aspire to the ‘Old Craft.’ An experienced practitioner, writer, researcher, folklorist and magazine editor of the respected witchcraft magazine The Cauldron (founded in 1976), Howard elucidates important elements of the Traditional Craft, including preparation rituals, tools of ‘the Arte,’ fellowship of the coven and the casting of circles, finally taking us through the ‘Great Wheel of the Year’ and the assortment of sacred rites as performed within. The seasonal rituals are based on traditional witchcraft and folklore sources and have been specially written for this book.
Michael Howard was an Anglo-Irish writer, historical researcher and editor. His work has become well-known and much respected after some 38 books on witchcraft, paganism and western occultism, including various tomes on the Norse-Germanic runes, folk traditions, angelic magic, faery lore, occult secret societies, as well as historical witches and cunning folk. His books draw on his fifty years of experience as a practitioner in the esoteric traditions in addition to numerous in-depth researches into many aspects of occultism, especially in the field of traditional witchcraft and Wicca. Howard is well known as editor of The Cauldron magazine, a non-profit-making, independent esoteric magazine featuring serious and in-depth articles on Traditional Witchcraft, Wicca, Ancient and Modern Paganism, Magic and Folklore, published quarterly from 1976 until his death in 2015. Always interesting, sometimes controversial, it was one of the longest running magazines serving the worldwide magical community.
- ISBN: 978-1-908011-85-5
- 218 pages
- perfect-bound paperback: 229mm x 152mm
- black and white text, with illustrations by Gemma Gary
- published 31st July 2014